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773 1 Quality acceptance of the cast-in-situ structure shall be carried out after the formwork is removed and before the concrete surface is trimmed and decorated, besides, records shall be made; 1 现浇结构质量验收应在拆模后、混凝土表面未作修整和装饰前进行,并应作出记录;
774 1 Quality acceptance of the inspection lot shall be executed in accordance with the requirements in Appendix B of this Code. 1 检验批质量验收应按本规范附录B的规定执行。
775 1 Quality certificates of steel reinforcements shall be checked; 1 应检查钢筋的质量证明文件;
776 1 Quality control for reconnaissance and design; 1 勘察与设计的质量控制;
777 1 Quality of divisional works included in the unit (subunit) works shall be acceptable. 1 单位(子单位)工程所含分部工程的质量均应验收合格。
778 1 Quality of dominant items and general items shall be acceptable through sampling inspections. 1 主控项目和一般项目的质量应经抽样检验合格。
779 1 Quality of subdivisional works included in the divisional works shall be acceptable. 1 分部工程所含分项工程的质量均应验收合格。
780 1 Quantity of lifting equipment and dollies used, travel route and unloading spot of dollies shall be able to satisfy the concrete placement demand; 1 升降设备和小车的配备数量、小车行走路线及卸料点位置应能满足混凝土浇筑需要;
781 1 Radial direction of the fiber glass mesh shall be perpendicular to the joint direction of boards or the board and the major structure; 1 玻璃纤维网格布的径向应垂直于板与板、板与主体结构的接缝方向;
782 1 Rafter of solid-web frame may be designed as resisting compression and bending in plane, and must be designed as resisting compression and bending out-of-plane. 1 实腹式刚架斜梁在平面内可按压弯构件计算强度,在平面外应按压弯构件计算稳定。