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583 1 In the case of covering curing, plastic membrane, plastic membrane and jute bag, plastic membrane and straw mats should cover on the exposed surface of concrete; 1 覆盖养护宜在混凝土裸露表面覆盖塑料薄膜、塑料薄膜加麻袋、塑料薄膜加草帘进行;
584 1 In the design of roof slabs, purlins, reinforced concrete eaves, canopies and pre-cast beams, the characteristic value of the concentrated load shall not be less than 1.0 kN for construction or maintenance, and the checking calculation shall be carried out for the concentrated load acting on the most unfavorable locations. 1 设计屋面板、檩条、钢筋混凝土挑檐、悬挑雨篷和预制小梁时,施工或检修集中荷载标准值不应小于1.0kN,并应在最不利位置处进行验算;
585 1 In the north, north by west 60° to north by east 60°; 1 北向应为北偏西60°至北偏东60°;
586 1 In the procedure of framework erection, it shall add the requirements of setting up grout hole and vent hole. 1 在安装模板的工序中,应增加设置灌浆孔和排气孔的规定。
587 1 Incandescent lamp needs lighting for 5min; 1 白炽灯需燃点5min;
588 1 Indoor aisle shall not be less than 1.20m and width of indoor aisle in large-sized public buildings with relatively many people or relatively concentrated people flow should not be less than 1.80m; 1 室内走道不应小于1.20m,人流较多或较集中的大型公共建筑的室内走道宽度不宜小于1.80m;
589 1 Information accessibility equipment and facilities shall be arranged according to demands and local conditions so as to make people conveniently accessible to various information; 1 根据需求,因地制宜设置信息无障碍的设备和设施,使人们便捷地获取各类信息;
590 1 Inspect and determine the scope of defects; 1 检查确定缺陷的范围;
591 1 Inspection for pumping water shall be performed first and such parts as hopper and piston in contact with concrete directly shall be fully wet; accumulated water in concrete pump shall be removed after the inspection; 1 应先进行泵水检查,并应湿润输送泵的料斗、活塞等直接与混凝土接触的部位;泵水检查后,应清除输送泵内积水;
592 1 Inspection methods for slump and Vebe consistency shall meet the relevant requirements of current national standard GB/T 50080 Standard for Test Method of Performance on Ordinary Fresh Concrete. 1 坍落度和维勃稠度的检验方法,应符合现行国家标准《普通混凝土拌合物性能试验方法标准》GB/T 50080的有关规定;