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573 1 In order to treat different situations according to their individual conditions during the implementation of this code. The words denoting the different degrees of strictness of demands are explained as follows: 1 为便于在执行本规范条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下:
574 1 In severe cold and cold zones the heat consumption index shall be the control target for residential buildings; 1 严寒、寒冷地区的住宅应以建筑物耗热量指标为控制目标。
575 1 In sub-work evaluation, the factor weight shall be determined according to the requirements in Table 10.0.6: 1 单位工程评价应按表10.0.6的规定进行要素权重确定:
576 1 In terms of building envelope index, the residential buildings shall meet 2 extra items at least while the public buildings shall meet 3 extra items at least; 1 在围护结构指标方面,居住建筑满足的优选项数不应少于2项,公共建筑满足的优选项数不应少于3项;
577 1 In the above table, if there are two values in one grid, then the value before "/" is the limit for principal area (PA) and the one after "/" is the limit for total area (TA). 1 表中同一格有两个值时,“/”前为主赛区 (PA)的值,“/”后为总赛区 (TA)的值;
578 1 In the above table, if there are two values in one grid, then the value before "/" is the limit for the internal field and the one after "/" is the limit for the external field. 1 表中同一格有两个值时,“/”前为内场的值,“/”后为外场的值;
579 1 In the area of multilevel roofs, for which the distribution width is within the twice of the height difference of the roofs and is not greater than 6m, 2.0 should be taken. 1 在高低跨处两倍于屋面高差但不大于6.0m的分布宽度内取2.0;
580 1 In the base course, H is the distance from top floor (or the level of supporting points) to bottom bearing of the element; on other floors, H is the distance between floors or other horizontal supporting points; 1 构件在底层时,构件高度H取楼板顶面或上水平支承点到构件下端支承距离;构件在其他层时,构件高度H,取楼板或其他水平支承点间的距离;
581 1 In the base course, H is the distance from top floor (or the level of supporting points) to bottom bearing of the element; on other floors, H is the distance between floors or other horizontal supporting points; 1 构件在底层时,构件高度H取楼板顶面或上水平支承点到构件下端支承距离;构件在其他层时,构件高度H,取楼板或其他水平支点间的距离;
582 1 In the car park, the wide ramp originally designed as single lane must not be used as dual lane. 1 库内坡道严禁将宽的单车道兼作双车道。