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563 1 In case of any of the following conditions, the sub-work is non-eligible: 1 有下列情况之一者为不合格:
564 1 In case of curing under negative temperature, watering is not allowed and exposed surface shall be covered; 1 在负温条件下养护时,严禁浇水,外露表面必须覆盖;
565 1 In case of oversize weld collar, excessive convexity, or excessive reinforcement, excessive weld metal shall be removed by grinding or carbon arc air gouging; 1 焊缝焊瘤、凸起或余高过大,应采用砂轮或碳弧气刨清除过量的焊缝金属;
566 1 In case of rigid connection of beam's both ends and column, assume that deformation form of beam make inflection point at mid-span, take out semi-span beam, far-end hinged brace, calculate near-end rotation angle (θ) via imposing the bending moment (M) at near end and rotation restraint shall be calculated according to the following formula: 1 在梁的两端都与柱子刚接时,假设梁的变形形式使得反弯点出现在梁的跨中,取出半跨梁,远端铰支,在近端施加弯矩(M),求出近端的转角(θ),应由下式计算转动约束:
567 1 In fine visual task place where vision requirement is high, the distance from the eye to the recognition objective is greater than 500mm; 1 视觉要求高的精细作业场所,眼睛至识别对象的距离大于500mm;
568 1 In high humidity places, luminaires with corresponding protective measures shall be adopted. 1 特别潮湿场所,应采用相应防护措施的灯具;
569 1 In interlocking test, electric switches of speed limiter and safety gear must be operated reliably, and shall brake main drive immediately; 1 限速器与安全钳电气开关在联动试验中必须动作可靠,且应使驱动主机立即制动;
570 1 In interlocking test, electric switches of speed limiter and safety gear must be operated reliably, and shall stop elevator operation. 1 限速器(安全绳)与安全钳电气开关在联动试验中必须动作可靠,且应使电梯停止运行。
571 1 In normal conditions, the switchover between the station control and control center control needs completion of complete procedure of authorization and reception of control power. 1 在正常情况下,车站控制权和中央控制权之间的转换需经过完整的授权、受权操作手续。
572 1 In order to clarify the difference in strictness degrees during the execution this Code, different wording used for the purpose of marking different strictness is explained as follows: 1 为便于在执行本规范条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下: