ID 原文 译文
333 1 Distance from various pipes and tension clamp mouth shall not be less than 15m; 1 各类管与耐张线夹出口间的距离不应小于15m;
334 1 Distinct themes and obvious intention and clear framework; 1 主题鲜明、立意明晰,形体易于表达;
335 1 Distribute the wires in order, and avoid twisting joints. Leading wires should connect firmly without stressing the wires. 1 箱(盘)内应配线整齐,无绞接现象;导线应连接紧密,不伤芯线,不断股。
336 1 Distribution of snow accumulation on low-span roof shall be considered for the high and low roof (Figure 4.3.3-1); 1 高低屋面应考虑低跨屋面雪堆积分布(图4.3.3-1);
337 1 District with shallow karst caves scattered in groups, large cave size and in unstable status; 1 浅层溶洞成群分布,洞径大,且不稳定的地段;
338 1 Diversion volumetric water heater: ±5℃; 1 导流型容积式水加热器:±5℃;
339 1 Documents for the configuration scheme of network system, parameter configuration of network elements and connection inspection records shall be complete; 1 网络系统的配置方案、网络元素参数配置、连接检验记录应文档齐全;
340 1 Dominant item: both α and β corresponding to the acceptable quality level should not exceed 5%; 1 主控项目:对应于合格质量水平的α和β均不宜超过5%;
341 1 Dominant items include: 1 主控项目包括:
342 1 Drainage ditch shall be provided around the site road and material stacking place. 1 现场道路和材料堆放场地周边应设排水沟。