ID 原文 译文
106864 就在我的脚下, 水从黑暗中流出。 Water! 巨大无边的水洼!
106865 当家具被关上, 当听见吵闹声的耳朵被睡意或外界的噪音堵住, 当人的思想沉重地压在某个实证的对象上, Then strange scenes take place in the casket's parlor, several persons of unwonted size and appearance step forth from the little mirrors." 种种古怪的景象便在家具这座客厅上演,奇形怪状的人物从小玻璃门出来。
106866 思成Art and Architecture China: Arts, Language, and Mass Media 新年快乐!中国的艺术与建筑
106869 本尼森(BENNISON): Alongside his new allies, the Marinids, Yusuf launches an attack into Castilian territory, trying to regain some of the land his forefathers had lost. 优素福和新的同盟者马林一起,向卡斯提尔的领地发动了进攻,试图重新夺回先辈失去的领土。
106870 本尼森(BENNISON): And again it’s mathematics that creates this astounding intricacy. 又一次,数学创造了惊人的复杂性。
106871 本尼森(BENNISON): BENNISON (CONT’D V/O): 并且他们也可以拥有重兵把守的防御带。
106872 本尼森(BENNISON): BENNISON: 这就是……
106873 本尼森(BENNISON): But it’s not just a fortress, it’s a spectacular network of palaces, each different, built by a succession of Sultans across 150 years. 但它不仅是一座要塞,还是一个由宫殿组成的壮观的建筑群,每座宫殿各不相同,在150年间由几任苏丹(Sultan)修建而成。
106874 本尼森(BENNISON): By building this tower, Yusuf stamps his authority on his kingdom. 通过建造此塔,优素福把他的权威标记在他的王国上。
106875 本尼森(BENNISON): Here lay the central challenge that Yusuf’s architects had to face. 这是优素福的建筑师们不得不面对的核心挑战。