ID 原文 译文
106822 ●Scenery of West Lake ●杭州西湖
106823 ●Scenery of West Lake (Bai Di) ●白堤
106824 ●Site of the stone city ●石头城遗址
106825 ●Statues at the Tangzi Cave of Longmen Grottoes carved in the Eastern Wei dynasty ●龙门石窟唐字洞口的北魏建筑形象
106826 ●The White Horse Temple ●白马寺
106827 ●The ancient passage of the Grand Canal in the Sui dynasty ●隋代开凿沟通南北的大运河
106828 ●The archery tower of Desheng Gate ●德胜门箭楼
106829 ●The seismograph invented by Zhang Heng ●候风地动仪
106830 ●The site of Dadu city gate of the Yuan dynasty ●金中都城墙遗址(北京广安门外)
106831 ●The site of Zhongdu city walls of the Jin dynasty ●金中都平面示意图