ID 原文 译文
106732 Optimum use of material, manpower and finance. Shortage of skilled and efficient manpower. 缺少技术好、劳动效率高的工作人员。
106733 Particle element A particle element is a zero-dimensional structural element: all dimensions of the element are negligibly small with respect to those of other elements. 点单元是一个零维结构单元,单元所有方向的尺寸相对于其他单元尺寸来讲,小得可以忽略不计。
106734 Performance evaluation—set of criteria to measure the quality of traffic performance in terms of level of services or capacity. 性能评估——根据服务水平或通行能力制定评估交通性能质量的标准。
106735 Persons responsible in the execution of duties and for ensuring that requirements are met. 措施排序。◆ 履行义务过程中的责任人以及确保满足规定。
106736 Preliminary estimates 详细估算;
106737 Provide a sufficient bond for the performance of the terms. 为条款的履行提交足够的保证金
106738 Remedial actions if non-conformance is detected. 如果发现不一致,修改措施。
106739 Scope and purpose of the procedures. Sequence of actions. 规程的范围和目的。
106740 Steel; 钢桩;
106741 TSM—Transportation Systems Management. TSM——交通系统管理。