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106591 |
…itself was allowed to make changes to the design, and Wren may have felt that if it was allowed to do so, he was too. |
是允许对建筑设计做出一点修正的,雷恩可能是觉得,既然委员会允许他修正,直接修改即可。 |
106592 |
…joined together by a series of timber poles, and you can see where the poles would have gone here. 麦坎(McCANN): |
用几个木杆把它们连起来,你看这里木杆就从这儿穿进去的。 |
106593 |
…large population. |
几个月的用水。 |
106594 |
…large stake of wood and then… |
一根大木棒,然后… |
106595 |
…like a plaster, and that’s much, much better against water. 麦坎(McCANN): |
石膏那样给抹上,防水效果要好很多很多。 |
106596 |
…luxury use of water beyond survival, just to show how successful you are. |
…他们会有喷泉等奢侈用途,仅仅为了展示他们的成就。 |
106597 |
…many Hellenistic features, Greek features here. |
哈伊里埃·阿姆鲁有许多希腊风格的建筑特征。 |
106598 |
…may have been ritual type of bathing as well. NARRATOR (V/O): |
或许会有种宗教式的沐浴仪式。 |
106599 |
…men of the 17th Century, Wren would have considered Gothic architecture to be rather… |
十七世纪的学者,雷恩认为哥特式建筑比较…安德鲁·莱西 |
106600 |
…modern, absolutely contemporary. |
…现代,绝对是现代风格。 |