ID 原文 译文
106571 …images were really problematic, because it was not clear what the relationship between an image and the holy figure that it depicted was… …画像确实会引起争议,因为画像和它所描绘的宗教人物之间是什么关系,仍不清楚…
106572 …in Inca building unless it’s done by accident. You will never find that. 除非是出于偶然,否则你绝对找不到。
106573 …in control of the universe, which is quite a bold statement…. 控制着宇宙,这个十分大胆的声明……
106574 …in the 17th Century, to be accused of being foreign almost inevitably meant that you were a Papist… 安德鲁·莱西:在十七世纪,被指控过度的异国化,形同指控你是个教皇派…
106575 …in the early Fourteenth Century is sort of the first high point of the kingdom. 本尼森(BENNISON): 在十四世纪初时的统治是王国的第一个鼎盛时期。
106576 …in the historic environment. How difficult it was to get hold of. 水是多么重要,得到它有多么困难。
106577 …in the rest of the building. 安德鲁·莱西:…
106578 …involved in this particular project. …这一工程的巨大。
106579 …is able to slow down and fall to the bottom. 可以慢慢地沉到底部。
106580 …is an expression and display of the wealth and the power of the Nabataeans. 是那巴泰人表达和展示他们的财富和权力的方式。