ID 原文 译文
106551 …footholds like a ladder. NARRATOR (V/O): 就像是梯子上的梯级。
106552 …for the bloodletting here, and it would have gathered in a basin out there. …从这里开始放血,然后汇集到另一头的凹槽里。
106553 …for the vaults here, and they started work on the main arch for the dome, and that’s put tremendous pressure on the-- on the side piers, and so this pressure developed in such a way they realized what they do it is was put in an extra buttress, which is what we have here. …给拱顶砌砖,并开始建造穹顶的主拱,这样就给侧面的支柱,造成了巨大的压力,而这种压力增长得如此之快,他们意识到必须建一个额外的扶墙,就是我们现在看到的。
106554 …for their trading activities and their control over the trade routes. …他们的商业活动,还有他们对商路的控制。
106555 …fountains, cisterns. 妮可·杜埃克…
106556 …from such a distance, down to the edge of this moat. …从那么远的距离运到护城河边上。
106557 …from the family of Aretas IV, uh, buried in one of these, uh, tombs. NARRATOR (V/O): 有一个重要的人被埋葬在这里的其中一个墓穴。
106558 …get the blocks and the bricks up to the next level of construction. …把砖和石料运到建筑物的上层…
106559 …goes through hard rock. 穿透坚硬的岩石。
106560 …going to happen, you know, cause the sun’s coming up, and there’s no patch of light, and then… …什么都不会发生,因为太阳升起来,平台上并没有光线,然后…