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106531 |
…by possibly 20%. |
缩减20%。 |
106532 |
…by sea. It was so much easier because the roads were so poor. |
从波特兰(Portland)运过来的。 |
106533 |
…cannot, uh, take a wooden beam. |
并不足以支撑木梁。 |
106534 |
…chains up, and he finds that if all that happens in a chain is it acts under its own self-weight-- hasn't got anything on it-- then it will form this form, called a catenary, and in this form every single element is being pulled. Everything is in tension, like this, all the way around. |
铁链吊起来,他发现如果铁链只受自身重力的影响,上面什么都没有,就会形成这样的形状,称之为悬链线,在这种形态下,每个构件都被拉扯。 |
106535 |
…channel, cut into solid bedrock, deep, uh, with a little bridge that they’ve left here where the water flows out. |
…沟渠流出,沟渠挖掘在坚硬的基岩上,很深,在水流出口处还设计了一个小横梁。 |
106536 |
…clearly had a friendship which was based to some extent on shared intellectual and artistic interests. 本尼森(BENNISON): |
友谊显然在某种程度上是基于共同的知识和对艺术的兴趣。 |
106537 |
…comes down in a pipe… 麦坎(MCCANN): |
经过过一个管子下来…… |
106538 |
…continually refine and change his design. NARRATOR (V/O): |
持续改善他的设计了… |
106539 |
…contrary to them. Very unusual and beautifully done. |
非比寻常,漂亮之极。 |
106540 |
…creates an extremely hard, extremely durable, and also very lightweight concrete. |
…能制造出一种超级坚固耐用,而且非常轻的水泥。 |