ID 原文 译文
106421 Develop and train skilled craftspeople. •培养并培训技术人员。
106422 Develop and train skilled craftspeople. •展开并实施对管理人员和项目经理的持续培训。
106423 Establish company awareness of the intended quality standard. •培养并培训技术人员。
106424 Establish company awareness of the intended quality standard. •建立预期质量标准的公司意识。
106425 Establish systems that will document and control the construction process, from purchasing through installation. •建立能记载并控制从采购到施工的整个施工过程的系统。
106426 Establish systems that will document and control the construction process, from purchasing through installation. •建立预期质量标准的公司意识。
106427 Hold discussions about quality with subcontractors. •同转承包商展开关于质量的讨论。
106428 Hold discussions about quality with subcontractors. •建立能记载并控制从采购到施工的整个施工过程的系统。
106429 Inspect materials for damage as they arrive on the site and ensure that they meet specifications. •同转承包商展开关于质量的讨论。
106430 Inspect materials for damage as they arrive on the site and ensure that they meet specifications. •材料到达时检查是否受损,确保材料符合规定要求。