ID 原文 译文
106350 whether to promote into a vacancy a man who has the marketing knowledge needed for the job but lacks technical training, 某一职员对营销很有研究,却没有受过技术培训,能不能提升他?
106351 which are recommended for building or engineering works designed by the Employer or by his representative, the Engineer. 推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程。
106352 which are recommended for the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant, and for the design and execution of building or engineering works. 推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
106353 which asserts that one man can manage only a few people if these people have to come together in their own work 所谓管理幅度,是指一个管理者能有效地管理多少个工作上互有关联的人。
106354 which belonged to the fourth stage of China's bridge development. 即属于我国桥梁发展的第四个阶段。
106355 which can be roughly divided into arch bridge, beam bridge, curved bridge, pavilion bridge and many other kinds of bridges. 综合起来,大体上可分为拱桥、梁桥、曲桥、亭阁桥等多种不同的桥式。
106356 which is recommended for building or engineering works of relatively small capital value. 推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
106357 which is the greatest of the three infilialities. 而“无后”居三大不孝之首。
106358 which is there regardless 总是在那儿。
106359 which is unique architectural style of this bridge. 这是该桥独有的建筑造型。