ID 原文 译文
106319 village of Lockeridge Dene 洛克瑞奇迪恩村庄
106320 von Kaunitz-Rietberg 冯o考尼茨-里特贝格
106321 wanted to demonstrate that he was a great Sultan. 奥里维拉(ORIHUELA): 因为他 想要展示他是一个伟大的苏丹。
106322 was his constant question. And if a man could do something, his lacks became secondary. 只要能做些什么,则这个人的不足之处就成为次要的了。
106323 water outlet 水口
106324 we asked. We had never been told of one. 我们从来没有听说过有预算。"
106325 we have to grow old to conquer youth, to free it from its fetters and live according to its original impulse." 只有年龄增长了才能获得年轻,才能从羁绊中解放出年轻,才能凭原初的冲动生活。"
106326 we should be seeking (...) a way to heat the villa sufficiently, abundantly, or even excessively. 我们倒不如寻找一种途径,使得别墅的供热足够、充足抑或是过量。
106327 weather and environment 天气和环境
106328 welder)。 The concrete mixer (concrete truck mixer, concrete vibrator, concrete batch plant) made by Hua—Dong Works are steady in quality and reliable in performance. 华东工厂生产的混凝土搅拌机(搅拌车、混凝土振动器、混凝土搅拌站)质量稳定、性能可靠.