ID 原文 译文
106308 ve way, we relive the instinct of the bird, taking pleasure in accentuating the mimetic features of the green nest in green leaves. 我们在某种天真状态中重新体验了鸟的本能。我们喜欢强调掩映在绿叶中的绿色鸟巢的模仿本领。
106309 vely describes as sublime or beautiful, features which the plate represents by a blot. I shall be grateful if the reader will in such cases refer the expressions of praise to the Architecture, and not to the illustration. 在这种情形下,倘若读者能将赞美和实际建筑联系起来,而不是插图联系起来,我将不胜感激。
106311 vernacular: Term used to distinguish the work of untutored builders from that of formally trained architects. 乡土建筑(vernacular):用来区分未经指导的建筑师和受过正式训练的建筑师的作品的术语。
106312 vertical ridge 垂脊
106313 veté. But the verbs to be and to write are hard to reconcile. 然而,存在和写作很难相互接近。
106314 view borrowing 借景
106315 view diverting 泄景
106316 view finding 寻景
106317 view highlighting 点景
106318 view ushering 引景