ID 原文 译文
106297 témoin des succès du crime, 罪行的目击者,
106298 under circumstances where there is a likelihood that the evidence may be destroyed or lost, or difficult to obtain later, administrative organs may, with the approval of their leading members, first register the evidence for preservation and shall make a timely decision on its disposition within seven days. During this period of time, the party and other persons concerned may not destroy or transfer the evidence. 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下, 经行政机关负责人批准, 可以先行登记保存, 并应当在七日内及时作出处理决定, 在此期间, 当事人或者有关人员不得销毁或者转移证据。
106299 under the eaves is a Tibetan bracket with wooden animal carving. 檐下为藏式斗拱和藏式兽面木装饰。
106301 unless otherwise permitted. The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer. 混凝土应当在30min内从搅拌机运送到浇筑地点。
106302 until the aforesaid enameling has melted and coated the aforesaid masonry..." 把火生得很旺,直到墙上的那些釉融化或者液化……"
106303 use those elements which are capable of affecting our senses and of rewarding the desire of our eyes (...) 建筑是一种关乎造型心绪的事物,它运用的那些元素应该能影响我们的感官,犒劳我们的眼睛需求……
106304 user, the reader who reflects on these pages by Baudelaire, while recalling the successive states of the poet's daydream, cannot fail to realize that in rejecting metaphors that are too facile he is marked for an ontology of human depth. 读者即使没有机会观看《汤豪泽》(Tannhauser)的试演,通过沉思波德莱尔的文字,详细描述诗人梦想的接连几个状态,他也同样能意识到,通过远离那些过于浅显的隐喻,他被引向一种关于人性深处的存在论。在波德莱尔看来,人类作诗的使命就是成为广阔性的镜子,或者更准确地说,广阔性在人心中获得对自身的意识。
106305 utility at the job site 施工现场
106306 val architecture. It was because it had lost its own strength, and disobeyed its own laws-because its order, and consistency, and organization, had been broken through-that it could oppose no resistance to the rush of overwhelming innovation. 于是中世纪建筑的伟大王朝就这样倾覆了,其原因就在于它丧失了自身的力量,违反了自身的法则,就在于其自身的秩序、组织和一贯性已经被破坏,不能够抵御创新的冲击。
106307 ve consciousness; in its expression, it is youthful language. 它是朴素意识的财富。就其表述而言,形象是新生的语言。