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106286 tre signified not only being physically present in the pool of patronage, but also keeping up appearances, behaving in a manner consonant with one's rank within society and within the king's favours, and policing respect for status and precedence. 但"抛头露面"并不仅仅意味着本人要亲自出现在宫廷中,还在于应保持形象,行为举止符合其社会地位和国王的喜好,并保持对地位和优先权的尊重。
106287 tre'). Determined to bring the aristocracy together en bloc, Louis liked his court to be large and distinguished. 路易十四决心将贵族整合成整体,他喜欢自己的宫廷规模庞大、高贵显赫。
106288 tre, who was already over sixty years old, on a tour of Italy, hitherto regarded as the acme of garden design, to cherry-pick ideas to import to Versailles. 1679年,路易十四派勒诺特尔前往至今被视为园林设计最高水平的意大利,择优挑选创意,以应用到凡尔赛宫中。考虑到后者当时已逾六十高龄,路易十四对园林的重视可见一斑。
106289 trelliage: Latticework used as interior decoration to suggest an arbor or trellis, popularized by the decorator Elsie de Wolfe. 棚架(trelliage):作为室内装饰的格子,指的是藤架或格子结构,由装饰设计师埃尔西•德•沃尔夫推广。
106290 trian formality of the palace gardens, at the Trianon his queen replaced Louis XV's beloved botanical gardens with a so-called 'Anglo-Chinese' landscape garden; in keeping with the contemporary vogue of sensibility towards nature, it was ornamented by a grotto, a belvedere with accompanying rocky waterfall feature inspired by Hubert Robert,* and a soulful monument to love. (*Hubert Robert (1733-1808) was best known as a painter of landscapes and ruins, with what is often seen as a pre-Romantic sensibility. 虽然路易十六让凡尔赛宫的园林依然维持着"勒诺特尔式"的严谨,但在小特里亚农宫,他的王后以一座所谓的"中英风格"园林取代了路易十五钟爱的植物园:为与当时亲近自然的时尚保持一致,园林中修建了一座山洞、一座受休伯特o罗伯特*启发的带有岩石瀑布的瞭望台以及一座关于爱的纪念碑(王后还聘请罗伯特重新设计了凡尔赛宫主园林中的阿波罗浴池林,这无异于一份引人注目的前浪漫主义宣言)。
106291 triglyph: Triglyphs alternate with metopes in a Doric frieze. 三联浅槽饰(triglyph):多立克柱式中三联浅槽饰与柱间壁交替出现。
106293 tsalo Town Hall and the Church of the Three Crosses in Imatra, both in his native Finland, continue to influence contemporary designers. Aalto's National Pensions Institute (NPI) in Helsinki, the headquarters of Finland's social security administration, is neither his best-known nor his most dramatic project. 位于赫尔辛基的国家养老金协会大楼(National Pensions Institute,以下简称NPI,见图4-19),作为芬兰社会保障管理机构的总部,既不是阿尔托最广为人知也不是最引人注目的项目。
106294 twin hall 鸳鸯厅
106295 two in the second arcade, and three in the third, to one in the first. Lest, however, this arrangement should be too formal, of the fourteen arches in the lowest series, that which contains the door is made larger than the rest, and is not in the middle, but the sixth from the West, leaving five on one side and eight on the other. 不过由于担心这种安排太呆板,在最底层的十四个拱中,包含有门的那个拱比其余的都要大一些,而且不在正中央,而是从西数的第六个,从而使得一边有五个拱,另一边有八个拱。
106296 de ma porte. (The world pulse beats beyond my door.) 世界在我的门外脉动。