ID 原文 译文
106276 timent, elle n'était plus qu'un bruit, mais énorme. (Destroyed by punishment, it was reduced to a noise, a thunderous noise.) 它被惩罚摧毁以后,除了声响什么也不是,却十分庞大。
106277 to him who journeys up/ As though it were another." 上上下下常常像是另外一个。"
106278 to the standards 4 drachmas 规定要求 4德拉克马
106279 to throw javelins.' *向我们投掷标枪。”
106280 to you if I tell you that P. was already a grandma before she died, and that now I have already three grandchildren!! 如果我告诉你徽因在去世之前已经成为祖母,而且我现在也已经有了三个孙辈孩子了,你也许会感到惊讶(或者不惊讶?)
106281 torus: From the Latin meaning "cushion." 圆底线脚(torus):拉丁语的意思是“坐垫”。
106282 tre as, in its individual way, does his design for the plaza surrounding I. M. Pei's Allied Bank Tower, Dallas, Texas (1986), which incorporates 263 bubbler fountains and a grid of cypress trees in circular granite planters. 他还以自己独特的方式设计了贝聿铭事务所负责的得克萨斯州达拉斯联合银行大厦周围的广场(1986),在其中设计了263个喷泉和由圆形花岗岩树池组成的柏树网格。
106283 tre d'Eau by Jean Cotelle, 1688, featured some of the numerous fountains associated with the Francini dynasty of water engineers. 让o科泰勒于1688年绘制的《水上剧院丛林园》(The Bosquet du Thé?tre d'Eau),以由弗朗西尼家族的水利工程师设计的众多喷泉中的一部分为画作特点。
106284 tre laid out the vast gardens of Versailles for Louis XIV, he had to contend with court rivalries, the changeable ideas of an absolute king and a degree of interference from royal mistresses, but on the whole he knew who his client was and what would please him. He did not have to worry much about anyone else. 安德烈˙勒诺特在为路易十四布置凡尔赛宫宏大的花园时,必须要面对宫廷的竞争、专制国王的多变想法和王室情妇的干渉,但总体而言,他知道自己的客户到底是谁,也知道如何取悦客户,他不需要太在意其他的什么人。
106285 tre laid out three wide, tree-lined avenues converging on the ch? teau from the eastern, town side. 勒诺特尔规划了三条宽阔的林荫大道,起于城镇东侧,以凡尔赛宫为交汇点。