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106266 they propose a roster of political, social, and cultural conditions that would establish the fullest, correct meaning of human development, whereby every person inhabits a society that allows him or her to develop his or her particular capabilities of body and mind, of individual spirit and social connections. 在此基础上,他们列出了一系列政治、社会、文化条件,从而赋予人类发展最全面的正确含义,即确保每个人都可以发展自己特有的身体与心理的协调能力,以及个体精神与社会联系的能力。
106267 this could dispel evil disease and proved very effective. 可以去病避邪,求得所愿,十分灵验。[善男信女来绕塔祈愿,因此香火极盛。]
106268 this likes a pagoda on another pagoda, so magnificent. 可谓塔上建塔,蔚为壮观。
106269 this our fathers did for us." For, indeed, the greatest glory of a building is not in its stones, or in its gold. 的确,一座建筑最辉煌的部分并不在于其石头,也不在于其黄金。
106270 this small pagoda represents the small Buddha Lotus World under the protection of the Buddha chair, 这座小塔就代表着佛住持的小莲花世界,
106271 those taches of brass and sockets of silver? 必需使用铜钩银扣吗?
106272 those who can not make the corrections, shall be ordered to suspend the activities and may be imposed with penalty. 当场不能改正的, 应当责令停止举办, 可以并处罚款。
106273 those who do not make the corrections within the time limit, shall be ordered to stop construction, and can be imposed with penalty simultaneously. 逾期不改正的, 责令停止施工, 可以并处罚款。
106274 three-purlin beam 三架梁
106275 tile-latticed window 瓦花窗