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106256 |
then this delay or disruption will be considered as a cause of delay under sub-paragraph (b) of Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]. |
则此类延误或干扰应被视为是属于第8.4款[竣工时间的延长](b)段中规定的一种延误原因。 |
106257 |
there are four famous pagodas among them which account for 40% of the total King Kong Throne pagodas in China. |
著名的金刚宝座塔有四座,其数量占全国现存金刚宝座塔的40%, |
106258 |
there are sights, and sights can form a garden. |
有景则成园, |
106259 |
there are statues pagodas, Jingchuang pagodas, small pavilion-style pagodas, small dense-eaves pagodas, grave pagodas and so on. |
其种类有造像塔、经幢式塔、小型楼阁式塔、小型密檐式塔、墓塔等。[例如,丰台区王佐乡的护国宝塔,塔建于明嘉靖二十九年(1550年),高6米,为八角十一层实心密檐式石塔,造型大方,雕刻精美,堪称石塔中的精品。] |
106260 |
there is a door in the south central bay and windows in bays next to the central. |
南面明间开门,次间安槛窗, |
106261 |
there is no more evidence about its construction year recorded in history books, but the existing Liangxiang Pagoda was built during the Liao Dynasty. |
史书上所记载的始建年代已无从考证,但现存的良乡塔为辽代建造。 |
106262 |
thereby this gave rise to the development and improvement of brick pagodas. |
进而带动了砖塔的发展和完善。 |
106263 |
therefore Yinshan Mountain became as famous as Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang. |
故而银山名声大噪,与南方镇江著名的金山大寺齐名,[历史上有南金北银之说。] |
106264 |
therefore, this great pagoda is known as the King Kong Throne pagoda. |
因此,这座大觉塔的形式被称为金刚宝座塔。 |
106265 |
they are only generally referred to as composite pagodas. |
只能笼统地称其为复合式塔。 |