ID 原文 译文
106206 the motor-driven vehicles and vessels that could not meet the prescribed standards for pollutants discharge shall be confiscated and destroyed. 对无法达到规定的污染物排放标准的机动车船, 没收销毁。
106207 the names of the administrative regions of Beijing used in these books are still those before the adjustment. 故书中涉及的行政区域名称仍沿用调整前的行政区域名称。
106208 the net span of two smaller arches is 4.5 meters and their height is only 4.31 meters. 主次孔净跨4.5米,仅高4.31米。
106209 the next higher administrative department for industry and commerce shall make a reexamination decision within two months from the day the application for reexamination is received. 上一级工商行政管理机关应当在收到复议申请之日起两个月内, 做出复议决定,
106210 the next higher administrative department for industry and commerce shall make a reexamination decision within two months from the day the application for reexamination is received. 上一级工商行政管理机关应当在收到复议申请之日起两个月内, 做出复议决定。
106211 the one on the east is read "Zheng Jing Huang Tu", 东面额为“镇静皇图”,
106212 the one on the north is read "Zheng Ci Hong Fan", 北面额为“真慈洪范”,
106213 the one on the west was set in the 29th year of Wanli (1601), also with Guan Yin and so on engraved on it. 西侧碑为万历二十九年(1601年)立,正面刻鱼篮观音和赞词,背面刻关圣像和赞词。
106214 the organization gaining an illegal income over RMB 5, 000 yuan is also subject to a fine equaling 2 to 5 times of the illegal income; the organization gaining no illegal income or an illegal income less than RMB 5, 000 yuan is also subject to a fine between RMB 5, 000 and RMB 20, 000 yuan; 违法所得五千元以上的, 并处违法所得二倍以上五倍以下的罚款; 没有违法所得或者违法所得不足五千元的, 并处五千元以上二万元以下的罚款;
106215 the organization liable for severe illegal practice will be deprived of the operating qualification by the original certification or approval organizations; the executives and other personnel directly responsible for the severe illegal practices are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal according to applicable regulations; any people liable for the illegal practice constituting a crime will be subject to the criminal liability: 情节严重的, 由原认证或者批准机关取消其相应的资格; 对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员, 依法给予降级、撤职或者开除的处分; 构成犯罪的, 依法追究刑事责任: