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106196 |
the integration, demonstration and promotion of common key technologies of the application of renewable energy to buildings, the testing and labeling of energy efficiency, and the certification and improvement of technical specifications and standards, etc., the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Finance shall organize experts to conduct project acceptance and evaluation according to the project evaluation and acceptance indicators. |
可再生能源建筑应用共性关键技术集成及示范推广,能效检测、标识,技术规范标准验证及完善等项目完成后,建设部、财政部组织专家根据项目考核评价指标进行验收评估。第十三条 专项资金以无偿补助形式给予支持。 |
106197 |
the last on the west is read "Hui Teng Ri Yue". |
西面额为“辉腾日月”。 |
106198 |
the lighting control of daylighting area shall be independent of the lighting system in other areas. |
采光区域的照明控制应独立于其他区域的照明控制。 |
106199 |
the local people's governments concerned shall, in accordance with the emergency preplan for destructive earthquakes, see to it that the relevant departments mobilize the community to make good preparations for disaster relief and rescue. |
有关的地方人民政府应当按照破坏性地震应急预案, 组织有关部门动员社会力量, 做好抢险救灾的准备工作。 |
106200 |
the lower half part of the pagoda is dense-eaves pagoda, while the upper part of the pagoda is covered bowl-style pagoda, |
塔的下半部为密檐式塔,上半部则是覆钵式塔, |
106201 |
the magnificent princely mansions, the tranquil civilian houses, the inscribed steles silent in brambles and the Buddhist pagodas towering into the clouds. |
从气派的王侯府第到恬静的普通民居,从湮没于荆棘中的漫濡碑碣到高耸入云的巍巍宝塔, |
106202 |
the matter will have to be brought to the attention of the Curator Monsieur Houlet (...) |
必须引起馆长乌莱先生的注意…… |
106203 |
the middle was octagonal central pillar. |
中间有八角形中心柱。 |
106204 |
the most perfect example of architecture finding its fulfilment in bodily beauty... |
最完美的建筑典范找到了它的结构之美…… |
106205 |
the most representative of flower pagodas are Gang Pagoda in Yungang Town in Fengtai District and Tuoli Flower Pagoda in Da'an Mountain in Fangshan District. |
最具有代表性的当属丰台区云岗村的镇岗塔和房山区大安的坨里花塔。 |