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106155 teau, where a migrant army of building workers and artisans of every description came to reside. 柯尔贝尔受命收购、拆除破旧的房屋,同时鼓励兴建新的建筑。
106156 teau. David Rockefeller, for example, made the gift of a piece of needlework done by Marie Antoinette at Versailles and the Tuileries Palace. 范o德o肯普从世界各地的捐助者那里不仅获得了巨额资金,还得到了他们在艺术品市场购买的藏品--这些人将它们无偿捐给了凡尔赛宫,如戴维o洛克菲勒便捐出了一幅玛丽o安托瓦内特在凡尔赛宫和杜伊勒里宫期间的刺绣作品。
106157 teau. It was pointed out that it threatened to collapse and was buckling in a number of places. 有人指出,城堡已面临着坍塌风险,而且有些地方已经弯曲变形。
106158 teau. The other ceremonial rooms in the suite were named after planets that rotated around the sun (Venus, Mars, etc.). 其他一系列供举行仪式用的礼堂也都以围绕太阳运转的行星命名(如维纳斯厅、玛尔斯厅等)。
106159 teaux and houses of the Trianon are empty, ruined or destroyed… A doleful, tomb-like solitude surrounds the wanderer in these sites that were formerly so animated.' 特里亚农宫的宫殿与住宅已经空空如也,一片荒芜,或已遭人破坏……在这些曾那样生机勃勃的地方,如今只剩悲凉、坟墓般的孤寂围绕着迷失其中的流浪者。"
106160 teaux that today we cannot do without… At Versailles the seigneurs of Louis XIV's court were obliged, for lack of latrines, to relieve themselves in the corridors… We remember the odour that lingered, during the reign of Louis XVIII, in the corridors of Saint-Cloud, since Versailles traditions were scrupulously observed there… One day when I was young we visited Versailles with a respectable lady from Louis XV's court. 在凡尔赛宫,由于缺少公共厕所,路易十四宫廷中的领主们不得不在走廊中小解……我们还记得路易十八时期圣克卢宫走廊里的那股气味,因为凡尔赛宫的传统也在那里得到了严格遵守……
106161 teaux were less fortunate: Marly was sold off as a manufactory for cotton goods and blankets and Meudon was turned into a test site for military balloons. Much of the Versailles estate suffered, too. 其他王室宫殿和城堡就没有这么幸运:马尔利城堡被出售,成了制造棉织品和毛毯的工厂,而默东城堡则被改造为军用热气球试验场。
106162 technical documents and drawings 技术资料与图纸公用工程
106163 technologies whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to licensing control. 对限制进口或者出口的技术,实行许可证管理。
106164 tel Tassel (1892), which had translated the fashionable Art Nouveau style into architecture. tel Tassel,1892),这座建筑将流行的新艺术风格带进了建筑中。