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106145 |
teau de Vincennes. Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis's new post-Fouquet ministerial factotum, was also hatching plans to make a magnificently redesigned Louvre the centrepiece of a new Paris that would match ancient Rome for grandeur. |
接替富凯辅佐路易十四的让-巴普蒂斯特o柯尔贝尔也在酝酿一项宏伟的计划,他准备将经过重新设计的卢浮宫打造成新巴黎的重头戏,使它的宏伟程度堪比古罗马建筑。 |
106146 |
teau est sa coquille... (The manor is its shell...) |
城堡是它的壳…… |
106147 |
teau from the river Eure, some 50 miles distant. |
这些人承担了将厄尔河水引向凡尔赛宫的任务,工程全长约80千米。 |
106148 |
teau is uninhabited. Most of the park… is neglected. |
这个不幸的地方已经被遗弃了,宫殿无人居住,公园的大部分区域…… |
106149 |
teau planted on the hilltop had a cluster of cellars for roots. |
建造于山上的城堡有须根状的地道。 |
106150 |
teau that became a favoured royal residence - Versailles was a convenient destination for a day-long hunting trip, but Henry IV sometimes passed the night here, too, normally in the Gondi manor house. |
凡尔赛与之毗邻,对进行一日狩猎来说,是一处非常合适的目的地,但亨利四世有时也在那里过夜,通常住在贡迪的庄园里。 |
106151 |
teau was in increasingly bad shape, and royal advisers argued that it was impractical to retain it. But the king, driven partly by filial fidelity to his father's memory, and partly too by a realisation that complete renovation would put Versailles out of commission for some time, dug in his heels. |
路易十三最初修建的城堡已经年久失修,王室顾问都认为继续保留它不现实,但国王寸步不让,对他来说,那里承载了他对父亲的回忆,而且如果彻底翻修的话,会让凡尔赛宫在一段时间内无法使用。 |
106152 |
teau's gardens. Particularly striking in this respect was the Grotto of Tethys, constructed in the 1660s around one of the ch? |
这方面最突出的例子是17世纪60年代在城堡一座水库附近修建的忒提丝洞。 |
106153 |
teau's reservoirs as a private royal bathing suite, and decorated with shells, stones and mirror fragments. The decorative conceit here was of Apollo the sun god bathing in the waters of Tethys, the water goddess wife of Oceanus, at the end of his passage through the skies. |
作为王室的私家浴场,这里用贝壳、石块和镜子碎片装饰,勾勒出太阳神阿波罗在穿越天际的旅程的最后,在忒提丝(海洋女神,海神俄刻阿诺斯之妻)的水域中沐浴的画面。 |
106154 |
teau, du musée et du domaine national de Versailles (EPV for short) under the tutelage of the Ministry of Culture. As its title suggests, the EPV's remit extends to both the estate and the buildings, enabling a more coherent unified approach. |
[3]诚如其名,EPV的职权范围同时扩展到了地产和建筑领域,这使实施更加统一的管理方法成为可能。 |