ID 原文 译文
106113 some pagodas have up to dozens of wheels, and some have three to five. 有的塔相轮多至数十个,有的少至三五个。
106114 some were built near Yuan Dadu. 在元大都附近建造了一些过街塔。
106115 south-east longitudinal section 东南长向剖面
106116 south-east side, Manchester Square, late eighteenth century 曼彻斯特广场东南面,十八世纪晚期
106117 spotted dolerite 斑点粗粒玄武岩
106119 staircase, Shaker House, Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, 1841 楼梯,沙克尔宅,快乐山,肯塔基,1841
106120 steel industry, chose for his own tombstone: "Here lies a man who knew how tobring into his service men better than he was himself." But of course every oneof these men was "better" because Carnegie looked for his strength and put it to work. 当然,卡内基先生所用的人之所以能力都比他本人强,是因为卡内基能够看到他们的长处,在工作上运用他们的长处。
106121 sthetic questions: but I believe the examples I have given will justify my vindication of the square form from the reprobation which has been lightly thrown upon it; nor might this be done for it only as a ruling outline, but as occurring constantly in the best mosaics, and in a thousand forms of minor decoration, which I cannot now examine; my chief assertion of its majesty being always as it is an exponent of space and surface, and therefore to be chosen, either to rule in their outlines, or to adorn by masses of light and shade those portions of buildings in which surface is to be rendered precious or honorable. 我举例并不仅仅说明它是主要的轮廓,而是重视出现在最优秀的镶嵌图案和千万种我此刻无法讨论的次要装饰中。我坚持认为其壮丽总是表现在它是空间和表面的代表,因此被选来要么在轮廓中居于首位,要么用光和影来装饰建筑中表面很珍贵或很荣耀的那些部分。
106122 stone beam bridge 梁式石桥
106123 stone stairway 磴道