ID 原文 译文
106082 s responsibility, as the specified material and system, selected by the designer, may not be appropriate to meet the owner's needs. The owner, however, may hold the contractor responsible for specific installations. 第16课房地产业的发展房地产开发是某一个实体对不动产进行改良并因此增加其价值的过程。
106083 s satisfaction"^, Besides that, good technical engineers are more abundant than civil engineering managers and compensation follows the laws of supply and demand. 此处所定义的“质量”可能无关乎承包商的责任,因为设计方选用的材料和方法可能满足不了业主的需要,但是业主会让承包商负责具体的施工工作,所以承包商在开工之前必须评估材料或施工的质量。
106084 s satisfaction"^, Besides that, good technical engineers are more abundant than civil engineering managers and compensation follows the laws of supply and demand. 而且,好的技术工程师比项目经理要多得多,这种差距符合供需法则。
106085 said the children, taking breath. 孩子们赞叹地深吸一口气。
106086 sans. épine; it has also only a ground floor and two stories, with three windows in each, separated by rich flower-work, and with balconies, supported, the central one by an eagle with open wings, the lateral ones by winged griffins standing on cornucopi? 意大利北部一座最有趣的十五世纪建筑是一条小巷里的一所小房子,位于维琴察(Vicenza)菜市场后面;它建于1481年,上面刻着座右铭Il. n'est. rose.sans. épine.;它也只有三层,每层有三个窗子,窗子中间用花叶饰隔开,中央的阳台由一只展开双翅的雄鹰支撑着,两边的则由站在丰饶角上狮身鹰首兽支撑着。
106088 says in A Compendium on Living in the World, This is the largest estate in Shanghai. With its front gate opening onto an engraved screen wall, it looks tall and majestic. 潘宅在今园东安仁街梧桐路一带,旧时称安仁里。
106089 scale: In architectural parlance, size and scale are not the same. 尺度(scale):在建筑术语中,尺寸和尺度是不一样的。
106090 scolded Le Corbusier, frustrated that we might overlook the beauty inherent in such plans and in the forms of symmetrical bridges, blocks and squares. 勒科比西埃曾责备道,因为他深为我们可能忽略了这些平面图以及对称的桥梁、街区与广场那内在的美而丧气。"
106091 second-floor plan 二层平面
106092 select one problem area of concern to the company, 挑选一个公司关心的需要改进的领域;