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106072 s Documents specified in the Contract, and all Contractor? s Personnel, Goods, consumables and other things and services, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for this design, execution, completion and remedying of defects^. 这些工具可以实现两重目的,即记录财政交易事项并向管理者传达项目的进程和有关问题。
106073 s House, R?, north of Stockholm, c. 纳斯宅,卢镇,斯德哥尔摩以北,约1820
106074 s activities. Whereas the bar chart is restricted in its ability to identify the complex interrelationships which exist between project activities and in its ability to indicate optimal activity timing, calculations may be made by means of the network which indicates optimal activity timing decisions⑶. 承包商应为工程的设计、施工、竣工以及修补缺陷提供所需的临时性或永久性的永久设备、合同中注明的承包商的文件、所有承包商的人员、 货物、消耗品以及其他物品或服务。
106075 s claim may be defined as: A legitimate request for additional compensation {cost and/or time) oil account of a change in the terms of the contract. 一个承包商的索赔应该更为正式地定义为:由于合同条款的变更而引起的关于额外补偿(成本和/或时间)的合理要求。
106076 s claim may be defined as: A legitimate request for additional compensation {cost and/or time) oil account of a change in the terms of the contract. 而说到项目的计划,网络图可以对项目中的各项作业进行图解描述,而横道图则无法识别项目活动之间的复杂的关系,同时也没有指出影响项目寿命周期的最佳活动时间,但网络图则可以通过计算来确定最佳活动时间。
106077 s implementation phase while supporting the construction effort'". The architect's design project, however, will have its own series of phases from conceptual development, through definition and implementation, to closure. 一个承包商的索赔应该更为正式地定义为:由于合同条款的变更而引起的关于额外补偿(成本和/或时间)的合理要求。
106078 s implementation phase while supporting the construction effort'". The architect's design project, however, will have its own series of phases from conceptual development, through definition and implementation, to closure. 但是,建筑师的设计项目则会有自己一系列的阶段,从概念发展到定义和执行再到结束。
106079 s output by a reliable purchaser or for example in the case of toll roads convincing traffic forecasts and government commitment to keeping the prices in line with inflation1-5-1. 但是,建筑师的设计项目则会有自己一系列的阶段,从概念发展到定义和执行再到结束。
106080 s output by a reliable purchaser or for example in the case of toll roads convincing traffic forecasts and government commitment to keeping the prices in line with inflation1-5-1. 或是在公路收费方面说服交通预测部门和政府要求价格与通货膨胀保持一致。
106081 s responsibility, as the specified material and system, selected by the designer, may not be appropriate to meet the owner's needs. The owner, however, may hold the contractor responsible for specific installations. 此处所定义的“质量”可能无关乎承包商的责任,因为设计方选用的材料和方法可能满足不了业主的需要,但是业主会让承包商负责具体的施工工作,所以承包商在开工之前必须评估材料或施工的质量。