ID 原文 译文
105944 o Monitor and measure improvements throughout the company o 监督和衡量全公司的改进。
105945 o Monitor employee attitudes towards motivation and Quality processes. o 监督雇员对工作动员和质量过程的态度。
105946 o Monitor the awareness of all staff on the ongoing improvement process. o 监督全体员工对正在进行的改进过程的理解。
105947 o One important pilot issue is selected on which to focus, and agreement on this issue is obtained from senior management. o 在征得高层管理人员同意后,选定一个要集中研究的重点问题。
105948 o Professional development o 职业开发
105949 o Project management o 项目管理
105950 o Provide training in the quality improvement process to the individual through seminars, readings, videos, etc. or external consultant advice. o 通过报告会、读物、影视教材等,或外界的咨询顾问等方式,对个人提供质量管理过程的培训。
105951 o Put in place a structure to monitor and review the Quality Management process on a formal basis, and identify the continuing needs, successes and shortfalls. o 建立对质量管理过程进行正规监督和评审的组织,并判明不断出现的需要、成绩与不足。
105952 o Quality team (or individual) initiates the improvement process by describing a number of issues and improvement areas as identified by the client and staff survey, and a review of project history. o 质量小组(或个人)通过向客户和职员调查,以及对项目历史的回顾,找出并描述存在的问题和需要改进的领域,着手拟订改进过程。
105953 o Rank improvement opportunities. o 对改进机会进行排队。