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105864 |
manner at a reasonable cost⑸. As a further step to simplify field assembly, an entire wall panel including plumbing and wiring or even an entire room may be prefabricated and shipped to the site'". |
工程的任何部分如果达不到业主的要求,并且承包商拒绝采取补救措施, 委托人将要求担保人纠正其过失行为。 |
105865 |
mannerism: The period (1520–60) between the Renaissance and the Baroque, when architects such as Michelangelo and Giulio Romano pushed the boundaries of classicism, often in an unharmonious, exaggerated direction. |
风格主义(Mannerism):在文艺复兴和巴洛克之间的时期(1520—1560),当时像米开朗基罗和朱利奥•罗马诺这样的建筑师把古典主义的界限推向了一个不和谐、夸张的方向。 |
105866 |
many of which are ancient stone beam bridges and are still in use. |
其中有不少古代石梁桥至今仍在继续使用。 |
105867 |
maquette: A scale model. |
初步设计的模型(maquette):一种尺度模型。 |
105868 |
marks an extremely important step in the approach to a new architecture. |
在探索新的体系结构的过程中标志了极端重要的一步。 |
105869 |
me. (In search of its soul.) |
寻找自己的灵魂。 |
105870 |
megastructure: A 1960s idea to design housing complexes, college campuses, even parts of cities, as single structures that integrate functional spaces with circulation and infrastructure. |
巨型结构(megastructure):一个20世纪60年代的设计概念,将住宅综合体、大学校园,甚至部分城市设计为单一的结构,整合功能空间、流线和基础设施。 |
105871 |
mes (Figure 13) which immediately looks rather like the Parthenon (Figure 7), but there are also differences, and they belong not just to these individual temples but to the groups of temples of which each of these is a representative. |
方形大厦乍看上去与帕提农神庙(图7)颇有几分相似,但也有不同之处,这两座建筑不仅属于单个的神庙建筑,也属于它们各自所代表的神庙建筑群。 |
105872 |
metope: The alternating square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze. |
柱间壁(metope):多立克柱式中与三联浅槽饰交替出现的平面。 |
105873 |
miles away from the land's monopoly of red barns and bent grasses. |
距离那片土地特有的红谷仓和糠穗草几英里的地方。 |