ID 原文 译文
105854 made of 31 white marbles, 23.8 meters long and 2.4 meters high. 图长23.8米,高2.4米,由31块汉白玉高浮雕组成。
105855 magnificent and splendid. 金碧辉煌,蔚为壮观。
105856 main beam 大木梁架
105857 maintenance of high ethical and professional standards; 维护高的道德和职业标准;
105858 maison! (Long did I build you, oh house!) 很久以前我建造了你,哦,家宅!
105859 make automobile accidents disappear, for instance - 例如是否能消除车祸?
105860 making a total of 201.5 drachmas 总计 201.5德拉克马
105861 making a total of 343 drachmas 总计 343德拉克马
105862 manganese 0.3%~0.8% sulphur and phosphorus 0.045% 0.3%~0.8%
105863 manner at a reasonable cost⑸. As a further step to simplify field assembly, an entire wall panel including plumbing and wiring or even an entire room may be prefabricated and shipped to the site'". 作为进一步使得现场装配简单化的方法是,整个一面墙包括管道和配线,甚至整个房间都可以预制,并且运送到现场。