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105724 if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for shakeup, and its grade of qualifications shall be demoted or its qualification certificate revoked by the original issuing authority; 情节严重的,责令停业整顿,由原发证机关降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书;
105725 if the circumstances are serious, its qualifications as a state-run trade enterprise or designated management enterprise may be suspended or even revoked by the foreign trade department of the State Council. . 情节严重的, 可以暂停直至取消其国营贸易企业或者指定经营企业资格。
105726 if the circumstances are serious, the aforesaid authorities may refuse to accept the application submitted by the trade dealer in violation of laws for carrying out imports or exports of the goods subject to state trading within three years from the date the administrative sanction decision takes effect or may withdraw the granted authorization of import and export of goods subject to state trading. 情节严重的,可以自行政处罚决定生效之日起三年内,不受理违法行为人从事国营贸易管理货物进出口业务的申请,或者撤销已给予其从事其他国营贸易管理货物进出口的授权。
105727 if the circumstances are serious, the offender may be fined not less than 5, 000 yuan but not more than 100, 000 yuan; if losses are caused, the offender shall bear civil liability in accordance with law; if the offence constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with law: 情节严重的, 可以处五千元以上十万元以下的罚款; 造成损失的, 依法承担民事责任; 构成犯罪的, 依法追究刑事责任:
105728 if the circumstances are serious, the person who is held directly responsible shall be given an administrative sanction by the organ at a higher level or by the unit to which he belongs. 情节严重的,由上级机关或者所在单位给予直接责任人员行政处分。
105729 if the circumstances are serious, the said competent department shall put forward suggestions thereon and submit them to the people's government at the corresponding level, which shall, according to the limit of authority prescribed by the State Council, order the offender to suspend operation or close down. 情节严重的, 由县级以上人民政府经济综合主管部门提出意见, 报请同级人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令停业、关闭。
105730 if the definitive duty is lower than the provisional anti-dumping duty paid or payable, or the amount estimated for the purpose of the security, the difference shall be refunded or the duty recalculated, as the case may be. 低于已付或者应付的临时反倾销税或者为担保目的而估计的金额的, 差额部分应当根据具体情况予以退还或者重新计算税额。
105731 if the illegal turnover is less than 50,000 yuan, the said Ministry shall impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 250,000 yuan; 违法经营额不足5万元的,处5万元以上25万元以下的罚款;
105732 if the illegal turnover is less than 50,000 yuan, the said Ministry shall impose thereupon a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 250,000 yuan; 违法经营额不足5万元的,处5万元以上25万元以下的罚款;
105733 if the labor remuneration is lower than the local minimum wage rate, it shall pay the difference. 劳动报酬低于当地最低工资标准的,应当支付其差额部分;