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105704 |
if it fails to rectify, a fine of not less than RMB 200,000 yuan but not more than RMB 1,000,000 yuan shall be imposed, and a third party shall be entrusted to perform the rectification with costs and expenses borne by the person liable for soil contamination or the land use right holder; |
拒不改正的,处二十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款,并委托他人代为履行,所需费用由土壤污染责任人或者土地使用权人承担; |
105705 |
if it is serious enough to constitute a crime, the violator shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. |
构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 |
105706 |
if laws and administrative regulations or the regulations of the State Council provide otherwise, the said provisions there shall prevail. |
法律、行政法规或者国务院另有规定的,依照其规定。 |
105707 |
if losses are caused to the lawful rights and interests of the latter, compensation shall be made according to law. |
因修改给利害关系人合法权益造成损失的,应当依法给予补偿。 |
105708 |
if losses are caused, it shall be liable for compensation according to law. |
造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。 |
105709 |
if losses are caused, it shall be liable for compensation according to law: |
造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任: |
105710 |
if measures for rectification can be adopted to eliminate the impact on the implementation of the plan, it shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit and be fined not less than five percent but not more than ten percent the cost of the construction project; |
尚可采取改正措施消除对规划实施的影响的,限期改正,处建设工程造价百分之五以上百分之十以下的罚款; |
105711 |
if mediation proves unsuccessful, the parties may bring a suit before a People's Court. |
调解不成的, 当事人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 |
105712 |
if no agreement is reached within 30 days, the applicants shall settle the matter by drawing lots under the auspices of the Trademark Office, or the matter shall be determined by the Trademark Office. |
超过三十天达不成协议的, 在商标局主持下, 由申请人抽签决定, 或者由商标局裁定。 |
105713 |
if such mediation fails, the parties may bring a lawsuit in a People's Court. |
调解不成的, 当事人可以向人民法院起诉。 |