ID 原文 译文
105684 however, if the imported product is not resold to an independent buyer, or not resold in the condition as imported, the export price may be determined on the basis of a reasonable price fixed by MOFCOM. 但是, 该进口产品未转售给独立购买人或者未按进口时的状态转售的, 可以以商务部根据合理基础推定的价格为出口价格。
105685 however, the labor contract concluded later may not prejudice the performance of the one concluded earlier. 但是,后订立的劳动合同不得影响先订立的劳动合同的履行。
105686 i) Background to the Production of this Guide i)指南产生的背景
105687 i) Customer Relationship i)客户关系
105688 i. Design Estimates. i.设计估算。
105689 i. Using any of the techniques or equipments that endanger production safety and that have been explicitly announced to be eliminated or to be prohibited from use. (九) 使用国家明令淘汰、禁止使用的危及生产安全的工艺、设备的。
105690 identify ways to improve quality, 选定改进质量的道路;
105691 identify ways to measure improvement and get started on a modest program. 确认衡量改进的方法,制定稳妥的计划开始实施。
105692 if Tacha is high, then big wooden sticks used to go through the top two or three floors. 如果塔刹很高,即用大木杆插入一两层或三层塔顶。
105693 if a crime is constituted, it/he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。