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105673 |
he responded - though he did join the partners in the end. |
他回答说--不过他最终还是成了我们的合伙人。 |
105675 |
here an administrative license is annulled according to the second paragraph of this Article, the interests obtained by the licensee on the basis of this administrative license shall not be protected |
依照本条第二款的规定撤销行政许可的, 被许可人基于行政许可取得的利益不受保护。 |
105676 |
here are your stars!" he exclaimed, drawing several crosses on one of the pages in his sketchbook, signalling the orifices through which the sun's rays would filter to form a crown of light. |
之后,他就在他的速写簿上画了好几个十字形以表示小孔,阳光就通过这些小孔透过形成一道光晕。 |
105677 |
here is another fundamental truth: man needs colour. |
这里还有一个基本事实:人们需要色彩。 |
105678 |
high tech: More an attitude than a style, high tech emerged in the 1970s in the work of such architects as Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, and Renzo Piano. |
高技派建筑(high tech):与其说它是一种风格,不如说它是一种对建筑的态度。高技派建筑出现在20世纪70年代,代表性建筑师有诺曼•福斯特、理查德•罗杰斯和伦佐•皮亚诺。 |
105679 |
hip rafter |
角梁 |
105680 |
his secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, whose diaries are full of diatribes against the President's "sloppiness, " "indiscretions, " and "treachery." |
那是罗斯福总统的内政部长伊基斯,他批评罗斯福的政权是最无聊的政权。在伊基斯的日记中,充满了指责罗斯福的种种形容词,“懒散”、“轻率”,甚至“误国”。 |
105681 |
how beneath the mark of attack, and the level of contempt, that which is common with us! |
我们熟知的一切已经不值得攻击,不值得鄙视! |
105682 |
how many pages of doubtful record might we not often spare, for a few stones left one upon another! |
--有了几个相互叠加的石头,我们可以扔掉多少页令人怀疑的记录! |
105683 |
how pleasurable it would be to have the power of going through the streets of London, pulling down those brackets and friezes and large names, restoring to the tradesmen the capital they had spent in architecture, and putting them on honest and equal terms, each with his name in black letters over his door, not shouted down the street from the upper stories, and each with a plain wooden shop casement, with small panes in it that people would not think of breaking in order to be sent to prison! |
假如我们能有力量走在伦敦大街上,把那些托座、中楣和巨大的招牌都扯下来,把商人们在建筑上花费的资金都还给他们,使他们诚实做人,相互平等,假如每一家商店都用黑字把名字写在门的上方,而不是从楼上垂下来,都留着朴实的木头窗子,窗子上装有小块玻璃,人们除非想坐牢,否则不会想打碎这些玻璃,假如能够这样,那将会多么令人愉快啊! |