ID 原文 译文
105652 generally, they are about 30 centimeters or so high, as has strong national feature. 一般多在30厘米左右,具有浓郁的民族特色。
105653 gerberette: A short-propped cantilevered beam invented by the nineteenth-century German bridge engineer Heinrich Gerber. 格贝尔悬臂梁(gerberette):一种由19世纪德国桥梁工程师海因里希•格贝尔(Heinrich Gerber)发明的短支撑悬臂梁。
105654 give us, little by little, the solution of this problem. 渐渐教会我们解决问题的方案。
105655 given that the state of the wall is extremely bad, it would be cheaper to put up wire fencing rather than rebuild the wall." 假定墙体的状态非常槽糕,建造铁丝网篱笆将会比重建墙体更为便宜。”
105656 golden lamp and cherub necessary for those who had seen the fires of heaven falling like a mantle on Mount Sinai, and its golden courts opened to receive their mortal lawgiver? What! 对那些曾经见识过天火像斗篷一样落在西奈山上、见识过金色的天庭敞开大门迎接人间的立法者的人们来说,有什么必要使用金灯和金色的天使?
105657 greetings and introductions 问候和介绍
105658 ground-floor plan 地面层平面
105659 guarantee - warranty periods. Should any portion of the work prove unacceptable to the owner and should the contractor refuse to provide a remedy, the client has recourse to the insurer to correct the deficiency⑺. 工程的任何部分如果达不到业主的要求,并且承包商拒绝采取补救措施, 委托人将要求担保人纠正其过失行为。
105660 guarantee - warranty periods. Should any portion of the work prove unacceptable to the owner and should the contractor refuse to provide a remedy, the client has recourse to the insurer to correct the deficiency⑺. 股票融资(开发商所有的从其他项目所获得的现金流)。
105661 h) Prevention Focus h)预防(错误)的焦点