ID 原文 译文
105549 cupola of the Mausoleum of Turabeg Khanum, Kunya, Urgench, 1370 图拉贝格·哈努姆陵的穹顶,昆雅,乌尔根奇,1370
105550 curie housed ceremonial and royal mounts, as well as a riding school and the school of royal pages, while the Petite? curie to the left provided stabling for draught horses and included the palace blacksmith (the maréchalerie). 在大道右侧,大马厩中容纳着仪式用车马和王室坐骑,还有马术学校以及培训王室侍从的学校;左侧的小马厩则用于饲养驮马,其中还建有一座打制马蹄铁的作坊。
105551 curies on the Avenue de Paris, while the massive quadrangular Grand Commun was constructed behind the southern ministry wing for administrative staff and for service functions, as well as providing overflow lodgings. 后来马厩被迁至巴黎大道上的新址,同时在南侧大臣翼楼后方修建起一座庞大的四边形建筑,作为行政人员和服务机构的驻地,并提供更多居住场所。
105552 curies on the doorstep of the palace has also made them part of the Versailles visitor experience: since 2012 the Petite? curie has housed a sculpture museum; and in 2016 a modernised museum of carriages reopened within the Grande? 位于凡尔赛宫门口的马厩经过现代化改造,也成为观光者游览体验的一部分:从2012年开始,大马厩被改造成雕塑博物馆;到2016年,一座现代化的马车博物馆在这里重新开放。
105553 curtain wall: A nonstructural wall that is attached to—hangs from—the exterior of a building. 幕墙(curtain wall):挂在建筑物外部的非承重墙。
105554 d) A Visionary Program Design d)制订目标计划
105555 d) That Quality Management Systems should include formal monitoring systems within individual firms which ensure that the programs are being continuously carried out. d)质量管理体系应包括各个公司内的正规的监视系统,以保证 计划能持续实施。
105556 d. Are verification criteria documented and available to qualified personnel so they may ensure the design conforms to requirements? d. 是否有成文的验证标准可供合格人员使用,使他们能保证设计满足要求?
105557 d. Failing to place eye-catching safety warning marks on the sites of production and business operation or relevant facilities and equipments which are considerably dangerous; (四) 未在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上设置明显的安全警示标志的;
105558 d. Is the president or CEO committed to ensuring that quality standards are implemented and maintained? d. 总裁或行政主管是否承诺保证坚持执行质量标准?