ID 原文 译文
105464 c) Tasks, Instruction, Forms c)任务、说明、表格
105465 c) That Quality Management Systems must have the commitment of senior management, involve employees, and prevail throughout an individual firm. c)质量管理体系必须有高层管理人员的承诺,雇员们的参与,并普及到整个公司。
105466 c) Total Employee Involvement c)全体员工的参与
105467 c. 1500BC A ball court is built in Chiapas, Mexico. 公元前1500年 球场在墨西哥的恰帕斯州建立。
105468 c. 2000BC The Egyptians domesticate the cat. 公元前2000年 埃及人驯养猫。
105469 c. Do these personnel have adequate resources and equipment to adequately perform their jobs? c. 这些人员是否有足够的资源和装备去完成他们的工作?
105470 c. Do verification activities include: c. 验证活动是否包括:
105471 c. Ensuring the effective execution of input in production safety; (三) 保证本单位安全生产投入的有效实施;
105472 c. Failing to arrange for specialized administrative personnel to conduct on-spot administration of production safety in the dangerous operations including explosions and hoistings, etc. (三) 进行爆破、吊装等危险作业, 未安排专门管理人员进行现场安全管理的。
105473 c. Failing to educate or train the workers according to the provisions of Articles 21 and 22 of the present law or failing to inform truthfully the workers of the production safety matters according to the provisions of Article 36 of the present law; (三) 未按照本法第二十一条、第二十二条的规定对从业人员进行安全生产教育和培训, 或者未按照本法第三十六条的规定如实告知从业人员有关的安全生产事项的;