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105444 |
brick archway |
砖门楼 |
105445 |
but I had never been invited to any of them." |
但是我从来没有接到过任何会议的邀请呀。” |
105446 |
but an obtuse or rounded part was difficult to damage due to being able to uniformly absorb the force in the earthquake, |
但钝角或圆角部分在地震时因受力较为均匀而不易损坏, |
105447 |
but ancient craftsmen skillfully built a ramp bridge to solve this difficult problem. |
但古代工匠很巧妙地建造引桥化解这个难题。 |
105448 |
but in flood seasons, waters rose and increased greatly, huge rivers were around the bridge, the bridge stone became an island in water, and the communications were still blocked. |
但是,每逢汛期水势浩大,河水暴涨,环桥南北尽为巨河,石桥成为水中的孤岛,交通仍然受阻。 |
105449 |
but it does not have the correct divisions for a temple. |
但是这里没有神庙正确的配设。哈伊里埃·阿姆鲁 |
105450 |
but it is carried around and it overhangs the front and the sides of the house. |
但是它是环绕房子四周的,并且悬挑在房子前面和边上。 |
105451 |
but only effectiveness converts them into results. By themselves, they only set limits to what can be attained. |
但是,资源本身是有一定局限性的,只有通过管理者卓有成效的工作,才能将这些资源转化为成果。 |
105452 |
but the pagodas left to us from this period, though most of them are masonry structures, also include a unique specimen of wooden pagoda. (Figures 9, 10) |
至于此阶段所有留存的佛塔,则大多为砖石结构,只有一座独特的木构架八角塔(即山西应县佛宫寺释迦塔,俗称应县木塔)除外。 |
105453 |
but the question doesn't allow a single answer that will satisfy everyone. |
但是,这个问题却没有一个令大家都满意的答案。 |