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105269 |
according to The Capital Historical Relic's Research: "In Tianning Temple... there are 2928 bells, a total weight 10492 kilograms." |
据《京城古迹考》中记:“天宁寺……据寺僧传册所记,上有铃2928枚,合计重10492斤。 |
105270 |
acroterion: An architectural ornament or sculpture placed at the apex or the extremities of a pediment. |
饰物台座(acroterion):一种建筑装饰或雕塑,放置在山形墙的顶点或末端。 |
105271 |
ade confuses harmony with pastiche, and would have thrown a symmetrical classical building out of balance by dribbling its architectural expression out at one side - anathema to classicism. |
认为扩建国家美术馆的唯一方法是模仿其古典主义的外观,这种想法混淆了和谐与模仿的含义。这种片面的做法会令建筑丧失其本身的表达,从而使一座匀称的古典建筑失衡--这是对古典主义的诅咒。 |
105272 |
ade of the Doge's Palace which arrests and enchants us, not that of the Procuratie Vecchie, for though both fa? ades are programmatic, only the palace's is endowed with a pattern sufficiently elaborate to render vivid a sense of order. |
因此,当我们置身威尼斯的圣马可广场,令我们驻足惊叹的是总督宫的立面,而非老行政宫,因为两者的立面虽说都井然有序,可惟有总督宫具有一种力图充分展现生动的秩序感的范型。 |
105273 |
ade to another, rather than making them all identical. |
奇斯威克别墅的每一个立面都不同,而不是像圆厅别墅一样四个立面完全相同。 |
105274 |
ade, an oblong, elongated to the eye by a range of thirty-four small arches, and thirty-five columns, while it is separated by a richly-canopied window in the centre, into two massive divisions, whose height and length are nearly as four to five; the arcades which give it length being confined to the lower stories, and the upper, between its broad windows, left a mighty surface of smooth marble, chequered with blocks of alternate rose-color and white. |
这座建筑就是威尼斯的道奇宫:其总体布局,中空的广场,长方形的正面墙壁--三十四个小型圆拱和三十五根立柱使得它在眼中变长了,而在中央,有一扇有着华丽顶盖的窗子,高和宽之比大约为四比五,把墙壁分割成巨大的两块,还有连拱廊--其宽度不超过下层建筑,其上部夹在宽大的窗户中间,留下一块巨大的光滑的大理石墙面,由玫瑰红和白色相间的大理石块形成棋盘格式。 |
105275 |
ade. It was expressive and eclectic, but also clearly modern. |
它富有表现力和折中性,但很明显是现代的。 |
105276 |
ade. Within shafts of sunlight, platelets of dust move as if in obedience to the rhythms of a silent waltz. |
一粒粒尘埃在光线的照射下似乎正应和着一曲无声华尔兹的节奏起舞。 |
105277 |
adopted at the 22nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 29, 1996 |
(1996年10月29日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议通过) |
105278 |
afterwards, the lyricism has to be integrated into the materials which must be kneaded and shaped into the mould of the design". |
后来,抒发的情感就糅合进那些被设计模具塑造成型的材料之中了。” |