ID 原文 译文
105229 [See comments on Sub-Clause 14.2] (见对第14.2款的注释)
105230 [See comments on Sub-Clause 14.9] (见对第14.9款的注释)
105231 [See comments on Sub-Clause 4.2] (见对第4.2款的注释)
105232 [See page 166, and the comments on Sub-Clause 1.14] (见第3页及对第1.14款的注释)
105233 [See page 166] (见第3页)
105234 [See page 17: Contractor Finance] (见第17页:承包商的融资)
105235 [Such Bond Amount shall be reduced by ____% upon the issue of the taking-over certificate for the whole of the works under clause 10 of the conditions of the Contract.] [1] [按照合同条件第10条颁发整个工程的接收证书时,上述合同金额将减少____%。]
105236 [The Ianus Quadrifrons, or Janus arch, may once have been a roofed street crossing in the lively commercial quarter. In Latin, Janus means 'passage'.] 它可能是在君士坦丁一世(274—337)时建造的。
105237 [There are] the most valuable sorts of wood; varnished works, of China and Japan; ancient vases of porcelain; silks, and cloth of gold and silver. They have there brought together, all that. (这里)有最珍贵的各种各样的木料、中国和日本的漆器、古代的陶瓷花瓶、丝绸和金丝银缕--所有这一切全都会聚在这里。
105238 [We have completed the Schedule by adding our suggestions for the other Member of the DAB, but these suggestions are not conditions of this offer]. [我们已完成了该资料表,增加了我们对于争端裁决委员会其他成员的建议,但这些建议不作为本报价的条件。]