ID 原文 译文
105037 Zoning laws that discourage density and cordon residential areas off from workplaces, light industry, and even retail establishments force even enlightened developers to overcome extra hurdles to make vibrant suburban communities. 如果分区规范不鼓励高密度,而且要求住宅区与工作区、轻工业甚至零售店隔开,那么即使是最开明的开发商,也不得不克服额外的障碍,才能造出充满活力的近郊社区。
105038 Zumthor and Norten are no less disciplined than Mies, but a scrim, which both reveals and conceals, allows them to enliven their architecture by embracing life rather than constraining it.4 卒姆托和诺尔腾的考虑并不比密斯少,但是既暴露又隐约的纱幕让他们通过拥抱生活来让建筑富有生气,而不是像密斯一样,约束生活。
105039 Zumthor, a Swiss architect, embraces multisensory experience as a critical component in his endeavor to create emotionally resonant places. 卒姆托认为,多感官体验是项目引起情感共鸣的关键所在。这必然要求设计师从总体形态到最微妙、最细小甚至看不见的细节进行项目设计。
105040 Zuo Si 左思
105042 [100] Most single-grave inhumations of the second half of the third millennium BC are of people who have died without violence, but this was a rare exception. (3)在公元前2500年—前2000年的单人墓中,所埋之人绝大多数并非死于暴力,但此处是个罕见的例外。
105043 [101] All three arrows are missing their tips. (4)三支箭的箭头都不在原处了。
105044 [102] If it was not the dead archer himself, then more likely it was his killers who controlled access to Stonehenge. (5)如果死去的弓箭手不是掌握着巨石阵入口的人,那么射中他的人就很可能是了。
105045 [103] The burial has been radiocarbon dated to 2470–2280 BC (almost precisely contemporary with the burial in the Stonehenge ditch). (6)对墓葬进行放射性碳测年后,其年代落在公元前2470年—前2280年(几乎同巨石阵沟渠内的墓葬时代完全相同)。
105047 [105] This study showed that the foot bones of both skeletons were affected by a medical condition known as 'bilateral non-osseous calcaneo-navicular coalition'. (8)结果显示两者的足骨都患有一种名为“双向非骨组织根骨舟状骨附合”的病症。
105048 [106] This discovery is important, because it tells us that the new networks of power and control that started to appear after 2500 BC did not spring up out of nowhere. (9)这个发现至关重要,它证明了公元前2500年后显现出的新权力关系网并非凭空出现。