ID 原文 译文
105016 Zhong Xing (1574-1624) says in his "Notes on the Plum Flower Villa": Herein lies a water-bound garden. 明人钟伯敬既撰《梅花墅记》:“园于水。
105017 Zhongdu City 中都
105018 Zhou Fu 周馥
105019 Zhou Fu (1837-1921), who was appointed viceroy of present-day Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces in 1904, the thirtieth year of the Guangxu reign (1875-1908) of the Qing, and became viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi in 1906, rebuilt the garden on an estate he bought from Xu Naiguang (1859-1922) in 1897. 清光绪二十年后,官僚两江两广总督周馥购自徐姓重修而成。至民国初年复经一度修整。
105020 Zhou Jixiang (1441-1492) was born in the 6th year of Zhengtong in the Ming Dynasty (1441) in Shuntian, Changping County. 周吉祥(1441—1492年),顺天府昌平县人,
105021 Zhou Jixiang Pagoda 周吉祥塔
105022 Zhou Jixiang Pagoda is located in Gushankou Village of Shangtangshan in Fangshan District. 周吉祥塔位于北京市房山区上方山下孤山口村,
105023 Zhou Jixiang Pagoda was built in the 12th year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty (1499). 周吉祥塔始建于明弘治十二年(1499年),
105024 Zhou Jixiang rose from an ordinary monk to a senior official and mean while served as the abbot of two monasteries surely because of Empress Dowager Zhou. 周吉祥从一名普通僧人成为明弘治初年的高官,同时还兼任两处寺庙的住持,自然是因为孝肃周太后的缘故。
105025 Zhou Mi 周密