ID 原文 译文
104996 Zhao Haishan 赵海山
104997 Zhao Yiwang 赵翼王
104998 Zhao Zhibi 赵之璧
104999 Zhao's Mansion 赵宅
105000 Zhaolian 1980, 374-375). The presence of the emperor, royalty, and prestigious officials definitely required large garden kitchens. 生活在圆明园里的皇帝、皇族和重臣肯定需要一座大型的宫苑厨房,为他们服务。
105001 Zhaolian 1980, 374–375). The presence of the emperor, royalty, and prestigious officials definitely required large garden kitchens. 生活在圆明园里的皇帝、皇族和重臣肯定需要一座大型的宫苑厨房,为他们服务。
105002 Zheng He, originally named Ma He, was a eunuch in the Ming dynasty. 郑和,明朝人,原名马和,从小就在皇宫中作了太监。
105003 Zheng Xiaru 郑侠如
105004 Zheng Xie 郑燮
105005 Zheng Xie was a professional calligrapher, but his paintings, like a garden constructed by an engineer rather than a garden crafter, fall short of lasting appeal because, owing to his stress on brushwork and neglect of nuance in ink application, his paintings have plenty of bones but little flesh. 板桥(郑燮)学石涛,有骨而无肉,重笔而少墨。盖板桥以书家作画,正如工程家构园,终少韵味。