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104945 Yuan Mei 1892, 1a–29a). The gourmet in the imperial garden could not be less sophisticated or extravagant than Yuan Mei in his Sui Garden, not to mention that the scale of culinary operations had to be much greater. 圆明园里的膳食在品位和排场上,不可能比袁枚在他随园内的膳食来得逊色,其烹饪的规模必定是更为铺张,这是不用赘言的。
104946 Yuan Zhongdao 袁中道
104947 Yuan's Garden 员园
104948 Yuanming Yuan Sishijing Tuyong 1985, 10-27). The scenes on the nine islets arguably constituted the best of the Forty Views. 有人认为,"九州"之岛的景观是四十景当中最漂亮的。
104949 Yuanming Yuan Sishijing Tuyong 1985, 10–27). The scenes on the nine islets arguably constituted the best of the Forty Views. 有人认为,“九州”之岛的景观是四十景当中最漂亮的。
104950 Yuanmingliterally means "round and brilliant," implying perfection and excellence; however, the name actually alludes to Buddhist wisdom. 圆明这两个字在字义上是"圆融和普照",意味着完美和至善,但事实上这个名字是佛语。
104951 Yuhua (Rain Flower) Pavilion is in the west of the Six Western Palaces of the Forbidden City, facing south. 雨花阁位于故宫西六宫的西侧,坐北朝南,
104952 Yuhua Pavilion became the symbol of the temple in the palace of the Qing Dynasty and represented the dominant ideology that Gelu Sect was worshiped as the Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism and the longevity was prayed according to the thoughts of Western Paradise Pure Land. 雨花阁成为清宫佛堂中的标志,代表着清宫佛堂主导思想,即奉密宗教派格鲁派为正统教派和祈求长寿的西方极乐净土思想。
104953 Yuhua Pavilion highlights the rich Tibetan Buddhist architectural style and its construction style is combined with the pavilionstyle of North China into a unique shape. 雨花阁的建筑,凸显浓郁的藏传佛教建筑风格,并与北方楼阁式建筑巧妙地结合为一体,形制独特。
104954 Yuhua Pavilion in the Forbidden City 故宫雨花阁