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104815 |
You can only build what someone pays you to build. |
他们仅仅能建造雇主付钱要他们建造的建筑。 |
104816 |
You can see it in complex projects like the World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre at the British Museum, and in his own home - a beautiful renovation of a 1960s house in Hampstead completed with his architect wife Susie, which won RIBA's Manser Medal in 2011. |
你可以在一些复杂的项目中看到这些特质,比如大英博物馆的世界自然保护和展览中心,以及他自己的家--一栋位于汉普斯特的经过翻新的二十世纪六十年代的漂亮住宅,那是他与建筑师妻子苏茜一起完成的,这个项目在二〇一一年赢得了英国皇家建筑师学会的曼瑟奖。 |
104817 |
You can see that all around this--this section of the rock they had been cutting with the hammer stones. |
彼得·弗罗斯特:你可以看看这块石头周围,这就是他们用石锤切割过的剖面。 |
104818 |
You can see that they’ve… |
彼得·弗罗斯特: |
104819 |
You can see the decoration adapted freely in Victorian, and more especially the Georgian architecture of the USA and UK. |
你能够看到在维多利亚时代自由使用的装饰,特别是在美国和英国乔治王朝时期的建筑。 |
104820 |
You can see the same basic design in tall office buildings the world over; the structure is essentially the same, but clad in different skin. |
世界各地的许多高楼大厦都有着相同的基本设计:它们的结构本质上是相同的,只是外观不同。 |
104821 |
You can see the way that the timber, uh, would have been... |
你能看到的方法是,原木,呃,会作为… |
104822 |
You can see them in the alienation and social exclusion that led a majority of voters in the UK to choose to leave the European Union, turning their back on the most exciting experiment in international social and economic collaboration to have emerged since the Second World War. |
你可以在各种异化和社会排斥中看到它们,这导致大多数英国选民选择离开欧盟,放弃参与二战后出现的最令人兴奋的国际社会经济合作组织。 |
104823 |
You can see them in the rise to prominence or even power of far-right politicians across Europe and the USA, in the rise of extreme nationalism and religion across the world. |
你可以在欧洲和美国的极右政治人物的崛起中看到它们,也可以在极端民族主义和宗教主义在全世界的兴起中看到它们。 |
104824 |
You can see them too in the US presidential election result, which has put an inexperienced demagogue in the White House, promising mass deportations, a roll-back of environmental legislation and a retreat to narrow nationalism. |
在美国总统大选的结果中,你也能看到它们:白宫里坐着一位没有经验的政治煽动者,承诺将驱逐大量的移民,致使环保立法倒退,还使美国倒回了狭隘的民族主义。 |