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104755 |
Yet whether in design or implementation, their willingness to adapt shows a desire to make the whole system work. |
但无论是在长城的设计还是在建造过程中,一次次的调整都体现了建造者想让整个防御系统发挥作用的愿望。 |
104756 |
Yet windows usually don't ripple. In their rippling, these windows convey a sense of time passing, of change in blowing breezes and dancing light. |
窗户通常不会荡漾波纹,但是MAS的窗户用荡漾的波纹让人感受时光的流逝,以及习习微风和舞动的光线变化。 |
104757 |
Yet within these boundaries, a high degree of exuberance and inventiveness is allowed in terms of materials, window styles and individual floor heights. |
不过在这些界限之内,在材料、窗户式样和个体的地板高度的选择上却可以有高度的自由和创造性。 |
104758 |
Yet without a prepared alternative, Roosevelt was as totally lost as the German General Staff or the Tsar of the Russians. |
反过来说,如果罗斯福当初没有另一方案,恐怕他肯定会像德军参谋本部和俄国沙皇一样,要迷惘而不知所措了。 |
104759 |
Yet without any roots in history, with no cultural precedents at all, Paxton's achievement was in a sense ignored. |
没有历史渊源,没有文化先例,帕克斯顿的成就一度被忽视了。 |
104760 |
Yet, as Philip Johnson wisely observed, "you cannot not know history." |
然而,正如菲利普•约翰逊所说的:“你不可以对历史一无所知。” |
104761 |
Yet, as is often the case with Kipling, there are moments where you still feel that he found the essence of a time or place, and this passage is one of them. |
然而,这是在吉卜林的故事中经常能见到的情节,你能感觉到他抓住了某个时代或地点的精髓,帕尼修斯的故事也是如此。 |
104762 |
Yet, aside from decorative motifs (the acanthus leaf, the frets, the beads, and even the Ionic and Corinthian capitals) and the basic conception of the caves themselves, there seems to be no traceable Indian influence to give the sculpture an Indian or otherwise un-Chinese character. |
除了一些装饰题材(叶饰、回文饰、念珠,甚至爱奥尼克或科林斯柱头)和洞窟的基本形制外,看不出在雕刻上有什么印度或其他非中国的特点。 |
104763 |
Yet, at a guess, at least half the bureaus and agencies of the federal government of the United States either regulate what no longer needs regulation - for example, the Interstate Commerce Commission whose main efforts are still directed toward protecting the public from a monopoly of the railroads that disappeared thirty years ago. |
然而,在我看来,今天的美国至少有半数的联邦政府机构,不是仍然拘泥于根本不必要的规章(例如“州际商业委员会”,其最初成立的目的本在于防止私营铁路的垄断,而铁路垄断的可能性,30年前就已经不存在了),就是把精力放到满足政治家的私愿上(绝大部分农业法案便属此类)。 |
104764 |
Yet, defining the specifications and setting the boundary conditions cannot be done on the "facts" in any decision of importance. It always has to be done on interpretation. |
不过,对重要的决策而言,要确定边界条件和提出规范,光靠“事实”是不够的,还要看我们如何理解问题,这是一种充满风险的判断。 |