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104675 Yet it is perhaps not too surprising that we have so far paid little attention to the effective executive. 然而,我们习以为常的是,至今为止我们对卓有成效的管理者重视不够。
104676 Yet it is the executive's specific job - whether he works in government, in a business, or in any other institution - to commit today's resources to the future. 不管是在政府、企业,还是在其他机构,管理者的一项具体任务就是要把今天的资源投入到创造未来中去。
104677 Yet it stands under the law that governs the structure and size of animals and plants: The surface goes up with the square of the radius, but the mass grows with the cube. 但是组织也要受支配自然生物生长的同样定律的制约:面积与半径的平方成正比,质量则与半径的立方成正比。
104678 Yet it was clear to everyone, including the members of the administration, that the basic assumptions on which its policies rested, the basic assumptions of the postwar years, had become increasingly unrealistic in international as well as in domestic affairs. 然而人人都看得很清楚,甚至他们自己也看得很清楚:他们所赖以制定政策的那些基本设想,他们对战后局势的基本估计,已越来越脱离当时外交和内政的实际。
104679 Yet it was concern about 'ribbon development' that led in Britain to planning laws and green belts to contain urban expansion. 然而正是对"带状开发"的关注推动了英国一系列的规划法的制定和城市绿化带的建设,以此遏制城市的扩张。
104680 Yet it was soon apparent that Louis's overall plans for Versailles were far bigger and better than his father's. 然而很快就可以看出,路易十四对凡尔赛宫的整体规划要比他父亲的宏大、完善得多。
104681 Yet legions of affordable housing developments-ones already built and ones still on the drawing boards-ignore or pay lip service, at best, to these fundamental human needs. 但美国大量经济适用房小区,有的已经建成,有的还在图纸上,都忽视或巴不得能够敷衍人的那些基本需求。由于这个原因和其他许多原因,几乎美国的全部经济适用房小区,反而让它们想要救助的人陷入贫困。
104682 Yet life at Versailles had two sides to it. 但凡尔赛宫里的生活也有两面性。
104683 Yet mass methods produced crass results. The sad thing for Morris was that for all his efforts, most of his own, high-quality goods were out of the reach of all but the wealthy. 让莫里斯感到难过的是,无论他怎么尝试、做出怎样的努力,优质商品不是所有人都能得到,得是有钱人才可以。
104684 Yet men of high effectiveness are conspicuous by their absence in executive jobs. High intelligence is common enough among executives. 然而,值得注意的是,在担任管理职位的人中,真正卓有成效者,殊不多见。