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104515 |
Y:Cube is a microflat for move-on accommodation from YMCA hostels. |
Y立方体"是一个微型公寓,为原本住在基督教青年会旅馆中的人提供改善性住所。 |
104516 |
扬州园林与住宅 |
104517 |
YMCA London South West was the first client to adopt this technology. |
伦敦西南基督教青年会是第一个采用该技术的客户。" |
104518 |
YMYA 1991, 1:576-578, 583-585, 587-596). These items, however, represented no more than a drop in the bucket and had no great value. |
然而,这些小件物品只不过是沧海一粟,也没有多大的价值。 |
104519 |
YMYA 1991, 1:576–578, 583–585, 587–596). These items, however, represented no more than a drop in the bucket and had no great value. |
然而,这些小件物品只不过是沧海一粟,也没有多大的价值。 |
104520 |
YMYA 1991, 2:1000-1001). Reportedly, these rents could pay for repairs in the garden at least during the eighteenth century, when the finances of the Yuanming Yuan were sound. |
据说,这些地租至少在18世纪期间可以支付园内的维修之需--其时圆明园的财政状况是良好的。 |
104521 |
YMYA 1991, 2:1000–1001). Reportedly, these rents could pay for repairs in the garden at least during the eighteenth century, when the finances of the Yuanming Yuan were sound. |
据说,这些地租至少在18世纪期间可以支付园内的维修之需——其时圆明园的财政状况是良好的。 |
104522 |
YMYA 1991, 2:827-911; Yu Minzhong 1985, 1:178-179). This was not significantly different from the year of 1752, during which Qianlong spent 175 days in the garden (Wan Yi, Wang Shuqing, Liu Lu 1990, 296). |
这与1752年的情况没有重大差别,这一年皇帝大约有175天留在圆明园里。 |
104523 |
YMYA 1991, 2:827–911; Yu Minzhong 1985, 1:178–179). This was not significantly different from the year of 1752, during which Qianlong spent 175 days in the garden (Wan Yi, Wang Shuqing, Liu Lu 1990, 296). |
这与1752年的情况没有重大差别,这一年皇帝大约有175天留在圆明园里。 |
104524 |
YMYZ 1984, 127-128; Walrond 1872, 360). Some wealthy merchants in Beijing also tried to stop the advancing enemies by presenting them with cows and sheep as gifts but to no avail (Weng Tonghe 1970, 1:193). |
虽然北京城内有部分富商尝试向联军献上牛羊作为礼物,以冀敌人不再前进,但却没有半点帮助。 |