ID 原文 译文
104494 Xiaotun and Huayuan Villages on the south bank of Huanshui River used to be where the royal palaces were and is the center of Yin ruins. 位于洹水南岸的小屯和花园庄一带是宫殿区,为殷墟的中心区,这一带地势较高,地形平坦开阔,两面临河。
104495 Xiaoyan Pagoda in Xi'an 西安小雁塔
104496 Xie Rongsheng 谢溶生
104497 Xihuamen Bridge 西华门桥
104498 Xiling Seal Engravers Society 西泠印社
104499 Xing Bridge 荇桥
104500 Xing Shi Miao says: "People look up, so it is called Xiang." 《行事妙》云:“人仰视之,故云相。”
104501 Xizhao Pavillion is where Emperor Kangxi wrote for the tablet of the pavilion. Located to the northeast of Leifeng Pagoda, Qinyuan Pavilion is a place for rest and tea. 妙音台是聆听净慈寺大梵钟声的最佳场所;夕照亭是康熙当年题额的御书亭和御碑亭所在的地方;亲缘阁,位于新塔的东北角,是游人休息、品茶的好地方。
104502 Xu Hongzu 徐弘祖
104503 Xu Mian 徐勉